Liberty Bell Blues

A Philadelphia conservative tries to stay sane in a city full of liberals

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, November 25, 2005

It's a Black Friday, all right. Shoppers were trampled in Florida and Michigan by other shoppers who rushed into stores at opening time to take advantage of doorbuster sales. Some people needed to be hospitalized. This reminds me of a Who concert from about 25 years ago, where several people were trampled to death in a rush to enter the venue. I hope these Black Friday incidents do not result in fatalities. People need to learn to have respect for others, as well as themselves. Is there really that urgent a need for people to save a few dollars on merchandise? I like to stretch my dollars too, but I don't see the need to become violent over it. The sense of entitlement that many people have is dangerous, not only to themselves but to their fellow citizens. If it comes to the point where shopping bargains are more important than other people's safety, or more important than good old-fashioned civilized behavior, then I would say that our society is in trouble.

I haven't heard about any such incidents in the Philadelphia area, thank God. In fact, the Philadelphia Inquirer is relatively upbeat in its reporting about the day:

In more good news, the AP reports that retailers say crowds are bigger this year. I can't wait to see how liberals spin this as bad economic news.


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