Liberty Bell Blues

A Philadelphia conservative tries to stay sane in a city full of liberals

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Obama is the presumptive Democratic nominee, but Hillary won't quit. Pundits are declaring victory for Barack Obama's campaign and defeat for Hillary Clinton's campaign. Although it seems almost impossible for Hillary to win the nomination at this point, she is apparently hoping for the possibility that superdelegates may hand her a victory, or that courts may declare that her victories in the Florida and Michigan primaries will no longer be disqualified from the delegate count.

But there is another school of thought that says that Hillary wants to destroy Obama's chances at the presidency even if she knows she can't win. One possible reason she would do this is to keep her options open for the 2012 race. Some people think she will be too old for a presidential run by then. But she will be younger then than John McCain is now. And if McCain defeats Obama in this year's general election, McCain may not run for a second term four years from now, when he will be 75 years old. So Hillary may be eyeing that long-term prize.

Another possible reason that Hillary may want to destroy Obama's candidacy is revenge. It seems like only yesterday that Hillary was thought to be the inevitable Democratic nominee -- and, by some, the inevitable next president. Knowing Hillary (as well as her hubby Bill), she probably thought she was entitled to be the next president. She probably sees Obama as an insolent young punk who came out of nowhere and stole her rightful prize. Five years ago, few people outside of Illinois knew who Obama was. How dare he stand in the way of the Clintons!

Many Democrats are now asking Hillary to step aside so that Obama and the DNC can officially begin the fight against McCain. But Her Highness apparently intends to stay in the race, possibly all the way to the convention.

Personally, I hope she does. I've been taking pleasure in watching the two Democratic candidates beat each other up. It's usually rare to see a Democrat feud with another Democrat, or a liberal to attack another liberal. But that's exactly what has been happening these past months. It has also been fun to watch the Clinton attack machine directed at another Democrat for a change. The Clintons excel at the politics of division; they deeply divided their country during their eight years in the White House. It's been a pleasure to see them divide their own party this time.

I have this to say to liberals who are angry over Hillary's antics: the Clintons are a monster that you helped to create. You elected Hillary's lying, cheating husband to two terms as president. You defended the Clintons through countless scandals and illegal activities, sending them the message that they can do whatever they please, right or wrong. To all you Democrats who stood behind the Clintons no matter what they did: you have brought this current election-year mess on yourselves and your party.

I would enjoy watching the Democratic Party's civil war even more if the Republican party had nominated a good conservative candidate to benefit from it. Unfortunately, the Republican nominee is John McCain.


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